Bookclub Konsultori

Konsultori universe Buchklub

There are many well-written online articles on economic topics. In our Resources category, you will also find very useful links, but here we recommend books. Why is a book the best way to grasp something? Holding a book in our hands, rather than a tablet, allows us to deepen our reading and gain secure knowledge. Moreover, reading a book improves concentration and makes us happy.

Please join the virtual Konsultori book club and let’s expand the reading list together.

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Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson, Venture Deals
Venture Deals, Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson

Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson

Venture Deals

Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist

“Every venture capitalist believes they know how to do venture deals. Jason and Brad, however, actually have deep knowledge and insight and are willing to share the details of how to get deals done right.” – Brad Bernthal, CU Boulder, Associate Professor of Law, Technology Policy, Entrepreneurial Law

Suggested by Petra Wolkenstein

Citizens, Jon Alexander, Ariane Conrad

Jon Alexander, Ariane Conrad


Why the Key to fixing everything is all of us

‘Citizens’ is a very energetic and energizing (and maybe, at times, overly upbeat) book. At its core is an essential shift of perspective, from consumer to citizen.
It offers encouraging examples of transformation and underlines the necessity of different actors working together across institutional boundaries.

Suggested by Michael Kubiena

Guide to Organisation Design, Naomi Stanford

Naomi Stanford

Guide to Organisation Design

A useful introduction to the topic allows to broaden one’s perspective on organization and on how to future-proof our organizations.
I would recommend reading it together with Gareth Morgan’s ‘Images of Organizations’ which, to me, is a much more original, thought-provoking book than Frederic Laloux’ often-cited ‘Reinventing Organizations’.

Suggested by Michael Kubiena

Free, Lea Ypi

Lea Ypi


Coming of Age at the End of History

It is not a business book! But who says that I can only recommend business-related books?! The unusual, exciting biography memoir of a brilliant thinker (a professor of political theory at the LSE) and a meditation on freedom and unfreedom under seemingly opposing political systems.

Suggested by Michael Kubiena

Das Dschungelbuch der Führung und Positive Leadership, Ruth Seliger

Ruth Seliger

Das Dschungelbuch der Führung und
Positive Leadership

Two essential books on leadership which I always turn to when the topic & questions of leadership are relevant and urgent; which, when dealing with organizations, is basically always!

Suggested by Michael Kubiena

3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals
3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals

David A. Lax, James K. Sebenius

3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals

Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals

When it comes to getting stuck in a win-win or win-lose debate, most negotiation books focus on face-to-face tactics. Table tactics, however, are only the “first dimension”.

Empfohlen von Petra Wolkenstein

Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive ENG

Peter F. Drucker

The Effective Executive

The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done

Efficiency is a key competence for success today. What does this quality consist of and how can we acquire it?

Suggested by Christian Nehammer

Konsultori Buchklub, The Professional
Subroto Bagchi, The Professional

Subroto Bagchi

The Professional

Defining the New Standard of Excellence at Work

Professionalism, well explained. India’s bestselling author of several business books writes about quality and how to recognise it. He also reveals when and how to say no.

Suggested by Samidha Kulkarni

Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition

Geoffrey A. Moore

Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition

Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers

This third edition brings Moore’s classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore’s most up-to-date insights.

Suggested by Petra Wolkenstein

Konsultori Buchklub, Where Good Ideas Come From
Johnson, S: Where Good Ideas Come From

Stephen Johnson

Where good ideas come from

The seven patterns of innovation

Where do good ideas come from? What conditions and circumstances are necessary and helpful for creativity and innovation. Good, entertaining book in which the author looks at innovation from different perspectives.

Suggested by Alex Staenke

Konsultori Buchklub, This is Marketing
Seth Godin, This is Marketing

Seth Godin

This is Marketing

You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See

“Marketing is the act of making change happen.” A very smart book that deserved to be a New York Times bestseller.

Suggested by Zsuzsanna Bódi

Konsultori Buchklub, ReWork
Heinemeier Hansson, D: ReWork

David Heinemeier Hansson, Jason Fried


(Vermilion Life Essentials)

How can you start working on your own project? This book shows you the way. Attention! Tones with inspiring ideas and provocative content.

Suggested by Alex Staenke

Buchklub Konsultori The Cpo
Christian Schuh, Michael F. Strohmer, Stephen Easton, Armin Scharlach, Peter Scharbert, The Cpo

Christian Schuh, Michael F. Strohmer, Stephen Easton, Armin Scharlach, Peter Scharbert


Transforming Procurement in the Real World

Our hero is Thomas Sutter, whose life teaches us the essential lessons of procurement and change management in an entertaining way. Follow the adventures of a procurement manager.

Suggested by Christian Nehammer

financial controller book
David Parmenter, The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit

David Parmenter

The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit
Lean Practices to Transform Your Finance Team

David Parmenter explains what you need to fulfil your true leadership potential. Packed with templates and checklists, the book helps you adhere to best practices in reporting, forecasting, KPIs, planning, strategy and technology.

Suggested by Christian Nehammer

Buchklub Konsultori, The Definitive Guide to Getting Your Budget Approved!: Measure Intangibles to Calculate Your ROI Business Case
Frank Roettgers, Johannes Ritter, The Definitive Guide to Getting Your Budget Approved!

Frank Roettgers, Johannes Ritter

The Definitive Guide to Getting Your Budget Approved!: Measure Intangibles to Calculate Your ROI Business Case

What is the essence of a strong business case? How can a business case be made scientifically?
How to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) and other financial metrics?
This book answers these and other important questions.

Suggested by Christian Nehammer

Buchklub Konsultori Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition
Kim, W: Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition

W.Chan Kim, Renee A. Mauborgne

Kim, W: Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition

How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

One of the most popular and influential strategy books ever written has been updated with new content. Worthy read!

Suggested by Christian Nehammer

Konsultori Buchklub, Great by Choice
Jim Collins, Great by Choice

Jim Collins, Morten T. Hansen

Great by Choice

Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck–Why Some Thrive Despite Them All

Together with a team of researchers, Collins and Hansen studied companies that had increased their industry index at least tenfold over a fifteen-year period. What was the key to success? What distinguished the top performers and how much luck was involved in their success?

Suggested by Samidha Kulkarni

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How can you communicate with diplomacy and tact? How can you improve your ability to get things done? How to become a more effective leader? An evergreen book by a pioneer of self-improvement.

Suggested by Samidha Kulkarni

Konsultori Buchklub, The Road Ahead
Bill Gates, The Road Ahead

Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold, Peter Rinearson

The Road Ahead

Are you a history buff and want to know how great things began? You’ll find that and more in this book, which is an introduction to the world of informatics. It’s worth taking it off the shelf and re-reading it.

Suggested by Samidha Kulkarni

Konsultori Buchklub, Sprint
Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Braden Kowitz, Sprint

Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, Braden Kowitz


How To Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days. From Google Ventures

“A unique five-day process for solving problems.” A must for every startup.

Suggested by Alex Staenke

Principles of Corporate Finance

Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, Franklin Allen, Alex Edmans

Principles of Corporate Finance

Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers

The latest edition of Principles of Corporate Finance continues the tradition of applying theory to the practical problems and decisions of financial managers.

Suggested by Viola Benyó

Konsultori Buchklub, The Art of Thinking Clearly
Rolf Dobelli, The Art of Thinking Clearly

Rolf Dobelli

The Art of Thinking Clearly

Better Thinking, Better Decisions

Every day, at work and home, we have to make decisions. Where are the most common errors of judgement, and how can they be avoided?

Suggested by Samidha Kulkarni

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