At Konsultori, we are committed to supporting innovative businesses and sustainability projects. We are excited to collaborate with the Vienna Food Policy Council (Ernährungsrat Wien) on the ‘Welt Teller Feld – Business Impact Program’. The program, which was selected and awarded by AWS’ (Austria Wirtschaftsservice) ‘Sustainable Food Systems – explore’ call, helps businesses enhance their sustainability strategies through hands-on learning experiences.
Strategy & Sustainability
Merge your business and sustainability strategies with the Integrated Strategy Framework.
Designing and Prototyping the Program
Through a design thinking process, the project team is currently developing a program prototype whose target audience is businesses on their sustainability journey. The Welt Teller Feld, an interactive learning environment for exploring and experiencing our contemporary food system, will feature as the integral element of the program.
Participants in the program will have a chance to experience the field in various tangible, sensory ways, individually and as a team. The aim is that this experiential learning process is then translated and brought back into the companies’ everyday life and their sustainability efforts.
🌱🍏🥦 aws Sustainable Food Initiative proudly presents…
🍅 Geförderte Projekte aws Sustainable Food Systems – explore 2024.1
wie zum Beispiel folgendes Projekt:
🥕🤝 🏫 Verein zur Unterstützung des Ernährungsrates Wien – Ein Programm für Unternehmen und deren Möglichkeiten, zu einer Verbesserung des Ernährungssystems beizutragen. Der Ernährungsrat Wien setzt für Veränderungen im Ernährungssystem bei Unternehmen an – mit einem modularen Programm für Bewusstseinsbildung und Praxis.
Looking Ahead: Integrating the program with Konsultori’s strategy advisory
In spring, the emerging prototype will be tested in practice, that is: on the field with ‘friendly customers’. Their feedback will then be integrated into the final program design.
We’ll keep you posted about the next steps and how the program ties into Konsultori’s integrated strategy advisory services.
Strategy & Sustainability
Merge your business and sustainability strategies with the Integrated Strategy Framework.