Juni 2023
TU Wien, Innovation Incubation Centre – How to raise money from investors
i2c at TU Wien is doing tremendously important work to bring technical innovation coming out of the university to the market. The team around Magdalena Stejskal and Alexandra Negoescu are running several initiatives in parallel to service students and PhDs on their way to becoming entrepreneurs.
In June, they invited Petra Wolkenstein over to run the final session of their first half-year series of lectures for entrepreneurs. We had a lot of super interesting questions to discuss while running the teams through all aspects of an investor process from a startup’s perspective.
- How the funding process differs for deep tech startups, e.g. MedTech, BioTech
- How to approach investors and on which channels
- How to deal with the current market situation and how it influences timing for getting investors on board
- The influence of deal terms on the final exit value and how to plan for it
- How to think and analyse valuation for early-stage, pre-revenue startups
.. and much more. The TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center workshop series is open to scientists and engineers who want to improve their entrepreneurial thinking and skills. These workshops are free of charge for scientists of all faculties and institutes of TU Wien.

Sciencepreneurs – Entrepreneurship in science
The i²c is the competence centre for entrepreneurship and innovation at TU Wien. They support innovative startup teams along the entire value chain: from idea generation to implementation.
⏩ An overview of the fundraising process, understanding which investors to target, and how to prioritize them.
TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center (i²c), LinkedIn
⏩ Insights into the key documents you need to prepare for successful fundraising.
⏩ A deep dive into the crucial elements of due diligence.
⏩ A shift in perspective to view the process from the investors\’ viewpoint: How do they think and make decisions?

Konsultori Academy
Online courses for successful entrepreneurs.