Strategy Review for a digital marketplace

Challenges in the strategy revision

The highly dynamic business environment of a digital marketplace requires the annual strategy revision of the 8 business units. We do this more often as part of strategy review projects. There are numerous changes on the customer side, as well as in the competition and new trends in the overall market. The management and the division heads wanted an external perspective. The assignment also included a moderated strategy process. The project involved defining the new direction and bringing it to the supervisory board for a decision. Over a period of 6 weeks, we worked with the individual divisions and at company level. Finally, we had to bring the results together.

Results we have achieved

Gap analysis on business performance, trends, and competitors
Strategy revision focused on major deviations
Expansion workshop for new business areas
Action plan per business area
Twice positive decision for the realigned strategy in the supervisory board

Business growth

We support you in reviewing your strategy.