
Dijana Janevska, Science Park Graz

Dijana Janevska

Thank you for all the great insights on the topic, looking forward to the next ones!

Fanny Springer, Female Founders

Fanny Springer

Here is a summary of the feedback: NPS: 100 What they particularly liked: „Practical training combined with insights and feedback. Working on a case with the prepared data set and Excel spreadsheet. Theory + practice/role play.“No negative comments were left 🙂 Thank you for the great session!

Alejandra Prieto, Culttech

Alejandra Prieto

Thank you again for yesterday’s session; it was incredibly insightful and fun. We’ve already received some fantastic feedback, with a 10/10 rating and comments like, „Tasks and interaction – very useful! The best one so far“ / „interactive format, hands-on, pragmatic, relevant insights and advice that can be applied immediately“. 

Elisabeth van Holthe tot Echten

Elisabeth van Holthe tot Echten

Our participants enjoyed her session on Negotiation In Action which imparted them with the confidence to get what they want. Petra shared her most important negotiation techniques, practical exercises as well as a confidence-building framework that the leaders can put into practice right away!  

Dina Mehulić

Dina Mehulić

Petra Wolkenstein your lecture on negotiation was so insightful and engaging, thank you! You are a great storyteller!

Irina Yashina

Irina Yashina

Thank you a lot for the session this week! Some of the feedback from the founders (NPS 100!). „The practical approach. Petra was super useful and clear and knowledgeable. The practical exercise super useful points for the negotiations. The combination of theory and practice. Even though we only learned about term sheets the negotiation practice …

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Dajana Doskoc

Dajana Doskoc

I really enjoyed the workshop with you and many of my TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center pals the other day! Honestly one of the best workshops I have ever attended and probably with much more interaction from all sides compared to some offline workshops.

Culttech logo

Samanta Pena

Thank you Petra! I want to share the comments received from the founders on the feedback form: „Amazing lesson should be a must for any founder, and life in general.It was really useful from a practical standpoint, clearly and helpfully delivered and felt like a safe space to learn, make mistakes, grow better. This is …

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Afroditi Konidari

Afroditi Konidari

The #LeadF programme provided the space and guidance for introspection, allowing me to reflect on my journey thus far and lay the groundwork for a more rewarding and enduring entrepreneurial adventure. I’m immensely grateful for all sessions held by Rebecca Williams, Annabelle Bockwoldt, Emma Stamiri, Amelia Suda-Gosch, Nina Mueller, Rupal Patel, Paulo André, Petra Wolkenstein, …

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Marlene Welzl

Marlene Welzl

I run the Vienna Business Agency’s „Founders Lab“ programme, during which I provide intensive support to early-stage start-ups over three months. Workshops and coaching sessions with Konsultori are a central part of the programme. The founders, regardless of their industry, benefit enormously from Petra’s, Franziska’s and Joachim’s input on the topics of business modelling, finance, …

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Nina Vielen-Kallio

Nina Vielen-Kallio

I had the privilege to widen my skills through the Female Founders program #LeadF and learn from top-class speakers such as Petra Wolkenstein, Rebecca Williams and Preethi Sundaram just to name a few! Thank you!  

Victoria Gerukh

Victoria Gerukh

I just re-watched your videos. They are fantastic! Thank you for such a structured attitude. The “templates-based” training is excellent! Also, lots of great insights into how an investor thinks during the Q&A sessions.

Ievgen Iosifov

Ievgen Iosifov

Hi, once again Petra! Thank you for such an energetic session. It is absolutely excellent and highly valuable.

Elisabeth van Holthe tot Echten

Elisabeth van Holthe tot Echten

The OKR Essentials video by Michael Kubiena was quite helpful for our workshop participants to understand the difference between OKRs and KPIs. Those who don’t work with OKRs said they are excited to try it out.

Christian Bacher

Christian Bacher

The workshop Organization Design and Essential HR Practices brought tremendous value to our startups. Huge thanks, Michael Kubiena.

Ksenia Belkina portrait

Ksenia Belkina

As a participant of the 2017 Vienna Startup Package, I had the pleasure to work with Petra. Not only during the negotiation and growth hacking workshops I could gain extensive knowledge suitable for my startup Cardiomo in my growth phase, but also got valuable expertise (Finance, Cooperations, Investors) and contacts on building my business in …

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Dudu Gencel © Dudu Gencel

Dudu Gencel

Competence. Experience. Excellence. Full Commitment! Thank you for all the great workshops and the coaching.

Leonard Weitze © Leonard Weitze

Leonard Weitze

With her growth hacking workshop, Petra provided many new ideas and approaches for sustainable growth strategies. The dialogue between the participants from a wide range of industries and product cycles was also particularly valuable.

Andreas S. Rath © Andreas S. Rath

Andreas S. Rath

Petra Wolkenstein is THE expert when it comes to growth hacking strategies.

Cloed Baumgartner © Cloed Baumgartner

Cloed Baumgartner

Petra Wolkenstein from Konsultori on #crowdbuilding in #crowdfunding, #tribes and #growthhacking. An ingenious workshop as part of the Accelerator Crowdfunders‘ Hub from Wissenstransfer Ost!

Benjamin Mörzinger © Benjamin Mörzinger

Benjamin Mörzinger

I was able to enjoy another great workshop at i2c last week. Petra Wolkenstein shared her knowledge on B2B negotiations with us. My personal highlight was a role-play we did. We formed teams of two-each person representing one of two parties- with the task to negotiate a deal. The scenario was about a scientist and …

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Alexandra Negoescu © Alexandra Negoescu

Alexandra Negoescu

Our incubatees raised their negotiation skills for B2B Sales & Partnering to the next level with the help of our negotiations expert Petra Wolkenstein. From understanding the theory and processes of negotiations to strategic moves and systematic preparations and overcoming difficult moments, our tech founders learned how to get more out of their negotiations.

Tanja Sternbauer © Tanja Sternbauer

Tanja Sternbauer

Thanks for having us! Petra, kudos again, I loved the structure, your input and the speed of it.

Lena Marie Glaser © VilmaPflaum

Lena Marie Glaser

Unfortunately, our Founder Lab – Creative Industries at the Vienna Business Agency has now officially come to an end. But this valuable experience of building my own business with your support, so much warmth, appreciation, inspiring feedback and priceless impulses is simply incredible. Great collaborations, projects, commissions and synergies have been created. Thank you dear …

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Pietro Lanzarini © Pietro Lanzarini

Pietro Lanzarini

TRAXIT graduates from SWG OPA! With great honour and pleasure, we received our Graduation Diploma from Startup Wise Guys Online Pre Accelerator. Big thanks to all SWG Team, and in particular Cristobal Alonso, Andrea Orlando, Asta Vasiliauskaite, Marta Madara Dundure, Karina Lapina, Andra Bagdonaitė and all supporting and external Mentors for the highly valuable insights …

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Thomas Schranz © Thomas Schranz

Thomas Schranz

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien offers a Growth Hacking workshop with the fantastic Petra Wolkenstein??

Silvia Wahrstätter

Silvia Wahrstätter

Thank you very much for the great morning! I felt very comfortable and go into the day full of impressions and well briefed for the next meeting! You can be sure that the following briefing talks will be different for everyone present. That is thanks to you.

Lucia Schramm © Lucia Schramm

Lucia Schramm

Growing with (network) co-operations. A practical workshop. With pragmatic tools, each participant works out their personal next steps!!! It couldn’t be more efficient and to the point! Respect and high praise for Petra Wolkenstein!

Martin Kircher © Martin Kircher

Martin Kircher

I enjoyed the workshop on customer acquisition measures for civil engineers so much that we are now going to get the whole office on board to implement the measures. The practical examples are motivating and show how customer acquisition can be strengthened on several channels – and that acquisition is something that can be learnt! …

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Karin Putzlager © Karin Putzlager

Karin Putzlager

Thank you very much for the workshop. My colleague and I really enjoyed it! We also think that we really learnt a lot from your presentation. In order for the implementation to take effect, we need a reserved time window, which we now have.

Madeleine Eppensteiner © Madeleine Eppensteiner

Madeleine Eppensteiner

The workshop „Marketing and Acquisition for Creative Professionals“ was a great success. Petra’s competent, goal-oriented way of giving feedback, analysing problems in start-ups precisely and quickly and providing practical examples as comparative values, combined with an interactive, „creative“ workshop leadership made the event very exciting and definitely recommendable.

Dieter Welfonder © Dieter Welfonder

Dieter Welfonder

A big „thank you“ for your workshop „Debunking the investor process“ in our Accelerator Programme at Gateway. It was an absolute highlight for me this year. Especially the concept of „rich or king“ will be with me from now on.

Calum Cameron © Calum Cameron

Calum Cameron

Petra used her wealth of B2B negotiating experience to help our lab companies find ways to grow and share the pie with Arsenal. Based on the relationships they’d developed with the business owners, and the quality of their offers, half the companies reached agreements to enter commercial pilots. That speaks volumes for Petra’s value.

Ognjen Ikovic © Ognjen Ikovic

Ognjen Ikovic

I had the privilege to be assigned with Ms. Petra Wolkenstein for Expansion-Coaching during the Welcome program for startups organized by Vienna Business Agency. She provided me with invaluable insights on negotiation tactics and partnership building. Thanks to her inputs and council, I was able to bring my business culture to an upper level. She …

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Andra Bagdonaite © Andra Bagdonaite

Andra Bagdonaitė

It was great having you here Petra, thank you for all the support for the founders!

Philip Morger © Philip Morger

Philip Morger

Thank you, Petra for the great insights and helpful advice. Our startups gave great feedback and had a successful virtual conference!  

Sarah Iranpour © Sarah Iranpour

Sarah Iranpour

Nice session, Petra!! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experience.

Cristobal Alonso © Startup Wise Guys

Cristobal Alonso

Thanks, Petra Wolkenstein for being part of an amazing coaching team.

Kristine Kornilova © Kristine Kornilova

Kristine Kornilova

We just successfully wrapped up Batch 9 Riga program, and on behalf of whole SWG team I wanted to say BIG THANKS for your participation in the program and offering the teams your experience and time!

Aleksandr Bogachev © Aleksandr Bogachev

Aleksandr Bogachev

Petra is the best business coach I’ve ever met. She always tries to dig into your situation, not just giving common advice. She has a clear and very fast mind, so it’s very easy to follow her suggestions. Thanks a lot, Petra, I can highly recommend her to everyone.

Alona Belinska © Alona Belinska

Alona Belinska

Thank you, Petra, for your great insights on the investor readiness topic!

Oliver Sogel © Oliver Sogel

Oliver Sögel

We really appreciate the great help and tips we received during Investor Dynamics training, and the valuable feedback and hands-on approach, which gave us a clear picture, what activities are most important for us and how to execute them.

Diana Vysoka © Diana Vysoka

Diana Vysoka

Dear Petra! It was a pleasure for me to learn from your experience today, it was a great 2nd level negotiations workshop, I’m looking forward to applying the learned knowledge in my future meetings and negotiations.

Luka Mohoric © Luka Mohoric

Luka Mohoric

Thank you konsultori team! It was our pleasure to be present in the vibrant Startup ecosystem that Vienna is becoming and to be part of the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien Vienna Startup program. One of the biggest advantages though was to learn from you and to work with you on our future plans.

Alexander Kunst © Alexander Kunst

Alexander Kunst

Our Ag-Tech Startup Accelerator always aims at having motivating speakers and workshops in order to develop the founders‘ skillsets further. Petra Wolkenstein held an incredibly informative and exciting negotiations workshop where everyone had a lot fun while taking away numerous learnings. I can highly recommend her negotiations workshop to everyone who needs to improve in …

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Sigvards Krongorns © Sigvards Krongorns

Sigvards Krongorns

Thank you for the amazing negotiations training today at Startup Wiseguys and the great mentoring session!